Karl.Asp@futuregames.nu | +46 (0)70 240 78 06 | Currently looking for internship
Ever since I was little, I have had a passion for the technical. Whether it was creating a mechano zipline vessel, building catapults from kapla blocks, lego cars or modding my bike I was there exploring how stuff worked and how I could improve them.
When not building stuff I played games. Games for me have always been a way to socialize, it was a common denominator among me and my friends, it became a way for us to exchange epic stories of cool adventures for hours on end no matter what our other interests were.
Now i strive to create games and systems that allow players to create memorable moments and stories that they can not wait to tell their friends. Combining the two things i like most, being creative and games, to bring people together the same way the games i played did for me.
Unreal Engine 4
Visual Studio
Unreal Blueprint
Visual Scripting
Angel Script
Playtest management
Project Management
Scrum and Agile
Indie Expo marketing